【助成内容】2025年度助成事業 海外交流補助金
【締切日】第1次募集:2025/06/30 (応募先)
第2次募集:2025/10/31 (応募先)
第3次募集:2026/02/28 (応募先)
※ 応募書類への虚偽記載が判明した場合は、
【To Foreign Researchers】【Public offering】
For details on this public offering, please read the information given below.
【Content of the public offer】FY2025 Grant Program: Overseas Exchange Grant
【Public offering organization】The Light Metal Educational Foundation
【Amount】Depending on the venue, 150,000 yen, 200,000 yen, or 250,000 yen will be awarded.
If participating online, a flat-rate subsidy of 50,000 yen will be provided to cover registration fees, etc.
【Application procedure】Direct Application
【Application deadline】
1st recruitment:June 30, 2025 (to the public offering organization)
2nd recruitment:October 31, 2025 (to the public offering organization)
3rd recruitment:February 28, 2026 (to the public offering organization)
【Note】※For further information, please check the HP
・Regarding issues for which administrative expenses (indirect expenses, etc.) can be recorded,
We ask that you please account for this amount as much as possible.
※ If any misrepresentation in the application documents is found,
we may take measures such as disqualifying the applicant from applying for various
research grants for a certain period of time.
In addition, the applicant will be required to return all or part of the research funds
received as a result of the misrepresentation.