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【公募_20250416_JST_e直】2025年度 先端国際共同研究推進事業(ASPIRE)日英量子共同研究


【公募内容】2025年度 先端国際共同研究推進事業(ASPIRE)日英共同公募
【機関承認】無  公印要
・2025/04/16 12:00までに研究事業係へ提案書一式をご提出ください。
E-mail: kyoudou@ ←@以下にt.mail.nagoya-u.ac.jpを追加。
【日本側締切日(公募先)】2025/05/09 14:00(日本時間)
【英国側締切日(公募先)】2025/05/08 16:00(英国時間)

集約対象外部局についてはこちら http://jigyoka.aip.nagoya-u.ac.jp/contents/1126.html


【To Foreign Researchers】【Public offering】
For details on this public offering, please read the information given below.
・At least one institution from each of the universities or research institutes in Japan and the U.K. must form a consortium, and at least two institutions must apply as a joint research organization.
・It is mandatory that Japanese and UK researchers submit proposals by both deadlines

【Content of the public offering】ASPIRE 2025 Joint Call “Japan-UK Joint call for Quantum Technologies for Innovation”
【Public offering organization】JST
【Amount】Up to 285 million yen (up to 370 million yen if indirect costs (30% of direct costs) are included)/ theme / Support Period
【Application procedure】e-Rad
*In order to ascertain the overall number of applications, information on proposals under consideration must be sent by e-mail to the address posted on the website by April 24, in principle.
【Institutional approval】None  Official seal required
 *Submit your application to E-mail: kyoudou @( ← @ Added t.mail.nagoya-u.ac.jp below) by 12:00 on April 16, 2025, because the official seal of the chancellor is required.
  (Deadline is set earlier because of the GW holiday period.)
  After receiving the sealed application, please apply by the deadline.
【Application deadline for Japan side】May 09, 2025 by 14:00 (JST)
【Application deadline for UK side】May 08, 2025 by 16:00 (UK time)
【Note】For further information, please check the HP.
Procedures and deadlines are different for the following departments.

※If any misrepresentation in the application documents is found, we may take measures such as disqualifying the applicant from applying for various research grants for a certain period of time.
 In addition, the applicant will be required to return all or part of the research funds received as a result of the misrepresentation.