【応募先】国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 ダイバーシティ推進室
【提出方法】直接応募 自薦・他薦とも可能。
【締切日】2024/12/10 日本時間正午まで (応募先)
※ 応募書類への虚偽記載が判明した場合は、
【To Foreign Researchers】【Public offering】
For details on this public offering, please read the information given below.
【Content of the public offer】The 4th Marie Sklodowska Curie Award
【Public offering organization】Japan Science and Technology Agency Office for Diversity
【Amount】500,000-1,000,000 yen / case
【Application procedure】Direct application
Can be self-recommended or recommended by others.
【Application deadline】December 10, 2024 12:00 (to the public offering organization)
【Note】※For further information, please check the HP
・Regarding issues for which administrative expenses (indirect expenses, etc.) can be recorded,
We ask that you please account for this amount as much as possible.
※ If any misrepresentation in the application documents is found,
we may take measures such as disqualifying the applicant from applying for various
research grants for a certain period of time.