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【公募_20240918_直】生理学研究所 日米科学技術協力事業「脳研究」分野における2025年度各種事業の募集

【公募先】大学共同利用機関法人 自然科学研究機構 生理学研究所
【締切日】2024/09/18 (応募先)


※ 応募書類への虚偽記載が判明した場合は、
【To Foreign Researchers】【Public offering】
  For details on this public offering, please read the information given below.
【Content of the public offering】Japan-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Program:
  Call for FY2025 Brain Research Programs
【Public offering organization】National Institute for Physiological Sciences
【Application procedure】Direct Application   
【Application deadline】September 18, 2024 (to the public offering organization)
【Note】 For further information, please check the HP.

・Regarding issues for which administrative expenses (indirect expenses, etc.) can be recorded,
 We ask that you please account for this amount as much as possible.

※ If any misrepresentation in the application documents is found,
  we may take measures such as disqualifying the applicant from applying for various
  research grants for a certain period of time.
  In addition, the applicant will be required to return all or part of the research funds
  received as a result of the misrepresentation.