

HOME > 研究費等応募 > 外部資金情報一覧 > e-RAD > 【公募_20240710_AMED_e有】 令和6年度 「革新的医療技術研究開発推進事業(産学官共同型)」四次公募

【公募_20240710_AMED_e有】 令和6年度 「革新的医療技術研究開発推進事業(産学官共同型)」四次公募

【公募内容】令和6年度 「革新的医療技術研究開発推進事業(産学官共同型)」四次公募
【公募先】国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構 AMED
【金額】総額 3.8~12億円/課題(上限を超える提案も可能)
【締切日(学 内)】2024/07/10 12:00
【締切日(公募先)】2024/07/16 12:00

集約対象外部局についてはこちら http://jigyoka.aip.nagoya-u.ac.jp/contents/1126.html

※ 応募書類への虚偽記載が判明した場合は、一定期間の各種 応募を認めない等の措置を行う場合があります。

【To Foreign Researchers】【Public offering】
For details on this public offering, please read the information given below.
【Content of the public offering】FY2024 “Innovative Medical Technology Research and Development Promotion Project (Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration)”
4th round of public offerings
①Academia types:At least 2 academic institutions and at least 1 industry-academia-government joint research company participate at the start of the research
②Start-up type:At least one academic institution and at least one start-up company participate at the start of the research
【Public offering organization】AMED
【Amount】Total 380 millionb~1.2 billion yen / theme
      (Proposals that exceed the upper limit are possible)
R&D expenses commissioned by AMED are less than 1/2 of the total amount per proposal
(190 million~600 million yen) (total amount over the research term)
【Application procedure】e-Rad
【Institutional approval】Required
 ・Confirmation / approval of the application content by Research Funding Section is required.
【Campus deadline】July 10,2024 by 12:00
【Application deadline】July 16,2024 by 12:00
【Note】For further information, please check the HP.

Procedures and deadlines are different for the following departments.

※ If any misrepresentation in the application documents is found, we may take measures such as disqualifying the applicant from applying for various research grants for a certain period of time.
 In addition, the applicant will be required to return all or part of the research funds received as a result of the misrepresentation.