【締切日(学内)】2023/10/31 17:00 厳守
【提出先】病院事務部 経営企画課 先端医療支援係
【To Foreign Researchers】【Call for proposals】
For details on this grant call, please read the information given below.
【Program name】
FY2024 AMED “Translational Research Program (Hashiwatashi-kenkyuu program)
” Seeds preF, F, B and C
【Research funder】
AMED (Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development)
・preF:Maximum 10,000 thousand yen per year (excluding indirect expenses)
・Seeds F:Maximum 70,000 thousand yen per year (excluding indirect expenses)(1st -2nd year)
:Maximum 90,000 thousand yen per year (excluding indirect expenses)(3rd year-)
・Seeds B:Maximum 50,000 thousand yen per year (excluding indirect expenses)
・Seeds C(a) – Projects that prepare for and conduct clinical trials
:Maximum 10,000 thousand yen per year (excluding indirect expenses)(1st year)
:Maximum 80,000 thousand yen per year (excluding indirect expenses)(2rd year-)
・Seeds C(b) – Projects that conduct clinical trials
:Maximum 80,000 thousand yen per year (excluding indirect expenses)
【Campus deadline】October, 31, 2023 by 17:00
【Email address for the application】
Advanced Medicine Support Section, Management Planning Division,
Hospital Administration Department
※For further information, please refer to the website above.
―Website for those outside Nagoya University
※Since AMED limits the number of application from each institution,
only those proposals that have been selected through Nagoya university’s
pre-evaluation process can proceed to the AMED application.
※The AMED application forms shall be written in Japanese.