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【研究助成_20230929_直】薬力学研究会 2023年度「薬力学研究会研究助成金候補者」の公募

【提出方法】直接応募 応募書類の様式は任意
【締切日】2023/09/29 (応募先)
【To Foreign Researchers】【Public offering】
  For details on this public offering, please read the information given below.
【Content of the public offer】Institute of Pharmacodynamics,
  Candidate for Research Grant FY2023
【Public offering organization】Institute of Pharmacodynamics
【Amount】1 million yen/year
【Application procedure】 Direct application
【Application deadline】September  29, 2023 (to the Public offering organization)
【HP】 http://yakuriki.umin.jp/
【Note】 ※For further information, please check the HP