【公募内容】令和5年度「医療機器等における先進的研究開発・開発体制強靱化事業(医療機器等の開発・実用化促進のためのガイドライン策定事業 (医療機器開発ガイダンス策定領域選定事業))」
【公募先】国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構 AMED
【締切日(学 内)】2023/05/19 12:00
【締切日(公募先)】2023/05/24 12:00
集約対象外部局についてはこちら https://jigyoka.aip.nagoya-u.ac.jp/contents/1126.html
【To Foreign Researchers】【Public offering】
For details on this public offering, please read the information given below.
【Content of the public offering】Project for Strengthening Advanced R&D and Development Systems in Medical Devices, etc.
(Project to establish guidelines to promote the development and commercialization of medical devices, etc. (Project to select areas for formulating medical device development guidance))
【Amount】Up to 23,000 thousand yen / theme / year
【Application procedure】e-Rad
【Institutional approval】Required
・Confirmation/approval of the application content by Research Funding Section is required.
【Campus deadline】May 19, 2023 by 12:00
【Application deadline 】May 24, 2023 by 12:00
【Note】For further information, please check the HP.
Procedures and deadlines are different for the following departments.