【提出方法】直接応募 推薦書要
(推薦者は候補者の業績を科学的な成果面から推薦できる方 認印でよい)
【締切日】2023/02/28(応募先) 郵送の場合当日消印有効
【To Foreign Researcher】
【Public Offering】
For details, on this public offering, please read the information given below.
【Content of the public offer】The 8th Matsuo hisayuki Prize
【Public offering organization】The Hormone Station of Japan
【Amount】300,000 yen, trophy
【Application procedure】Apply after receiving recommendation
【Application deadline】February 28, 2023(to the public offering organization)
【Note】※For further information, please check the HP
【提出方法】直接応募 推薦書要
(推薦者は候補者の業績を科学的な成果面から推薦できる方 認印でよい)
【締切日】2023/02/28(応募先) 郵送の場合当日消印有効
【To Foreign Researcher】
【Public Offering】
For details, on this public offering, please read the information given below.
【Content of the public offer】The 8th Matsuo hisayuki Prize
【Public offering organization】The Hormone Station of Japan
【Amount】300,000 yen, trophy
【Application procedure】Apply after receiving recommendation
【Application deadline】February 28, 2023(to the public offering organization)
【Note】※For further information, please check the HP