【助成内容】2022年度 研究助成 ハイリスク新興感染症/医学系・継続/薬学系・継続/ライフサイエンス・継続
【学内締切日】教授以上が応募される場合及び部門長が部局長の場合 部局長の推薦 部局で1件/各プログラム
2022/02/10 12:00(研究事業係)事前選考申込書
2022/02/28 12:00(研究事業係)申請書1式 選考された方
【締切日】2022/03/14 24:00(応募先)
【To Foreign Researchers】
【Public offering】
For details on this public offering, please read the information. given below.
【Content of the public offer】FY 2022 High-risk Emerging Infectious Diseases Research Grant
/ Medical Area Research Encouragement Grant・continuation grant/Pharmacy research Encouragement Grant・Continuation Grant/Life Science Research Encouragement Grant・Continuation Grant
【Public offering organization】Takeda Science Foundation
【Amount】2 million yen/grant~10 million yen/grant
【Application procedure】Apply upon receiving consent by group leader ※Please receive the recommendation by yourself and send it to the applicant.
【Campus deadline】February 10, 2022 12:00(to the Research Funding Section) Advance application form
February 28, 2022 12:00(to the Research Funding Section)
【Application deadline】March 14, 2022 24:00(to the public offering organization)
【Note】※For further information, please check the HP
Forms (advance application form) and external funding information
Procedures and deadlines are different for the following departments.