【学内締切日】2021/06/07 12:00 (研究事業係) 共同利用研究員の申請が必要な場合
2021/06/07 12:00までに研究事業係へ申請書一式をメールでご提出ください。
【To Foreign Researchers】【Public offering】
For details on this public offering, please read the information given below.
【Content of the public offering】Additional recruitment Joint use research task / equipment sharing task on device for treating heavy particle cancers FY2021 (HIMAC)
【Public offering organization】 National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology
【Application procedure】Direct appliation
【Campus deadline】2021/06/07 12:00(to the Research Funding Section)
【Application deadline】June 21, 2021 (to the Public offering organization)
【Note】For further information, please check the HP.
Procedures and deadlines are different for the following departments.