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【賞_20210604_直】日本医師会 2021年度「日本医師会医学賞」ならびに「日本医師会医学研究奨励賞」候補の推薦 医学部・環境医学研究所

【金額】医学賞 500万円/件 研究奨励賞150万円/件
【学内締切日】2021/06/04(研究事業係)12:00 事前申込書提出
       2021/06/18(研究事業係)12:00 選考された方は申請書1式を研究事業係へ提出(推薦理由をあらかじめ記入し推薦者の承諾を得てください)
【Content of the public offer】Recommendation of the “Japan Medical Association Medical Award” and “Japan Medical Association Medical Research Encouragement Award” candidates for FY2020
【Public offering organization】Japan Medical Association
【Amount】Medical prize 5 million yen / case  Research encouragement prize 1.5 million yen / case
【Application procedure】Apply upon receiving consent by a head of department(1 approval per department)
【Campus deadline】June 04, 2021 12:00(to the Research Funding Section) Advance application form
June 18, 2021 12:00(to the Research Funding Section) (Please fill in the reason for recommendation in advance and obtain the consent of the recommender)
【Application deadline】July 02, 2021(to the public offering organization)
【Note】※For further information, please check the HP